How to make Natural Degreaser

Grease is an inescapable part of cooking. You want delicious meals cooked in your own home? You’re going to have to accept some grease into your kitchen! It just has a way of getting into just about every nook and cranny, as well as on every surface possible. As time goes on, what started off as a little splattering of oil can grow into a deeper grease stain that might take a little more effort to get rid of. As with everything else in the house, you want to keep your use of strong chemicals to a minimum. That’s why we have put together a little concoction for you to use in getting your kitchen degreased.
What you’ll need:
- White vinegar (250 ml)
- Baking soda (20 grams)
- Liquid soap (1 or 2 drops)
- Scented oil (optional)
- Stainless Steel Scrubbers
To start off, it’s much easier to make this mixture in the spray bottle that you're going to use. Feel free to reuse an empty spray bottle rather than buying a new one, much better for the environment. Make sure the bottle has been rinsed out properly, as we wouldn’t want to accidentally make a chemistry experiment in the kitchen.
When you’re ready to go, start off by pouring the vinegar into the bottle, followed by a couple of drops of liquid soap, and then the baking soda. At this point, feel free to add whatever scented oil you want, we’d recommend a couple of drops for a scent that’s not too strong. Citrus smells tend to be the favourites as they give your kitchen that classic fresh and clean smell.
When all the ingredients are in the bottle, give it a thorough shake. Nothing too extreme, just to make sure all the ingredients are properly mixed together. After that, it’s all to you to spray the mix on the grease stains and work them out. After the spray, go over the area again with a cloth of warm water for the best results. Any super built up stains may need a few runs through or even to be soaked in the spray before cleaning.
As with any cleaning product, please keep it out of the hands and mouths of children and any animals. Be careful, and happy cleaning!