Cleaning through Covid: What's life like for a pro cleaner during Covid-19?

Everyone’s lives have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, from lockdowns and business closures to the horrific impact of the disease itself. As we get closer to a full year since the first lockdowns started, people are getting more and more used to the “new normal”. For most people that means working from home, getting your shopping delivered and wearing a mask outside.
For professional cleaners though, it’s a little bit different. It’s difficult to work from home when your place of work is other people’s homes. Our family of pro cleaners have done amazingly to adapt to the new ways of working in the industry, as we all do our best to protect both cleaner and customer.
Getting hygienic
Finding ways to make cleaning jobs safe and secure for both our pro cleaners and our customers has been a joint process. There are things that only a cleaner will think of, so we’re always ready to listen to their suggestions.
· The most obvious change is the use of masks. It’s the easiest and simplest way to stop the spread of the virus, so all of our pro cleaners wear appropriate face coverings to make sure there is no cross-contamination either way.
· We’re also absolutely firm on sanitising tools and hands, and we’re sure all of our cleaners agree. All of our equipment is sanitised before and after a job, and our pros properly sanitise their hands regularly. This makes sure that there’s no risk of the virus being spread from job to job, and there’s no risk of the professional taking the virus home to their family.
Keeping tabs on mental health
The pandemic has also put a big strain on everyone’s mental health, and spending your day going into other people’s homes can be very stressful. We’re working together as a team to make sure every one of our professional cleaners is doing okay. We check in with them every day, making sure they’re feeling okay, making sure they’re prepared for the day ahead and to just have a chat if they have anything they need to talk about. In a time when many are feeling lonely, we’re trying our best to make sure that none of our pro cleaners feel isolated.
Our cleaners are also in contact with each other as a community, making sure that no one is feeling down or too stressed out. We also keep our cleaners updated on all the changes in rules and regulations that might be affecting the way we work. This hopefully means that no change comes as a surprise to anyone, and our pros have time to get ready and get whatever equipment they need.
Supporting each other through it all
One of the most important things for us and our pro cleaners is that no one feels like they need to work when they shouldn’t be. If someone is feeling the effect of the stress, or they’re not feeling well enough to work, they shouldn’t have to push themselves or take risks because they feel they have to. We’ve worked together as a team to make sure every pro cleaner has the support they need if they’re in one of these situations, emotionally as well as financially.
We can’t say it’s been easy to work through the pandemic. It’s taken a lot of time and effort on all parts to get to a system that works for us all and keeps us all safe while we get to keep doing what we love.
For the highest quality service to ensure you are kept safe during the pandemic, you can download the TIDY app at: